Showing Homes
in Tamarac Lakes
Tamarac offers beautiful homes in Medford, NJ. Those purchasing a home here in Tamarac will find included in their membership:

Access to Trails and Common Green Areas
Use of Beach and Lakes
Use of Beach Pavilion, Grill, Volleyball Courts and Playground Equipment
Use of Baseball and Soccer Field
Voting for Board of Directors and Yearly Budget
Participation in Membership Meetings
Certified Lifeguards at the Beach all Summer
Use of Basketball and Tennis Court
Fishing & boating
Events & activities, including family, children, teen and adult social events, sport tournaments, fishing contents, and more.

All of the amenities listed above are covered by modest annual dues collected in January of each year. Our dues payments also include:

Maintenance and repair of lakes, dams, shorelines sluice boxes, docks, bulkheads, racks, and footbridges
Water testing, treatment, stocking
Landscaping, seasonal plantings
Renting in Tamarac Lakes
To ensure our resident tenants receive the privileges of membership, please complete the Resident Lease Notification Form.